Two Jewish Poems


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Two Poems

By Michael Druck © 2008

Of a Dream Returned

Of mankind’s first obedience to G-d,
when that immortal taste of Torah
brought hope into the world,
for with the loss of Eden,
Moses restored us to a rightful place,
bringing a future and a grace.

Sing, heavenly people!
For on that top of Sinai did inspire
words of Torah that require,
that we His people heed His immortal dictation.

Illuminate and support
that which need purport,
the very essence of our being.
With outspread prayers and wing
to cover earth with holiness.

When our souls and hands
begin to trace
those Torah words of elegance and grace,
and spread the life of truth combined,
to fond conclusions of the mind,
that brings a faith to time and age,
and trusted meanings to the page,
long we mark the words in bold,
that move centuries to mold,
days to come and love explored,
the very essence of days of yore,
and the magnificence of G-d.

We feel our people’s mass in pride,
as they did long ago on a mountainside,
when G-d from His very hand
penned words to move the worlds of man,
embroidered in the Holy Book,
sewn in pages that His people took
for their own, as it was given.

And when our souls begin to find,
those words of Torah in a grand design,
reading words in every line,
it is there, that begins the rhyme,
for you and me and the magnificence of G-d.

Within the desert there did arise
a G-dly blessing in disguise,
a dream forever realized,
at Sinai,
and of mankind’s first obedience to G-d.


Measured Responses

Who of us exudes holiness?
Is it you or is it I?
For when it comes to measuring things G-d is standing by.

The days come.
The days go.
And G-d is standing by.

Who of us will do great things?
And bring holiness to earth?
Who holds the measuring stick that measures things from birth?

Who of us will count the days,
and mitzvahs, and will not lie?
Who will think of goodness
and bring light to earth and sky?

The days come.
And the days go.
And G-d is standing by.

No need to make excuses.
No need to falsify.
G-d is the witness and is ever standing by.

G-d is standing by.

* * * * *

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from the August 2008 Edition of the Jewish Magazine

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